
Cancelled Mark Ronson gig a true headache

By roobixops

No doubt you heard the news. Matisse were scheduled to host Mark Ronson on Saturday night. As expected with such a notable headliner, punters bought tickets in droves.
On the day of the gig, it came to light on social media that Mark wouldn’t be attending.
Cue flurried chaos, incensed punters, a PR nightmare. What a royal f*ck up.
You know what tho?
You’ve gotta feel for Matisse.
Yes, I know the punters are the customer. They outlaid cash.
But Matisse is also a customer in this. Hear me out. With these sorts of events, there is an agent/promoter that organises the dj’s gigs for the tour. Matisse would have agreed with this agent to bring Ronson to Perth. And yes to all you doubters, Matisse would have had every intention of Ronson playing Saturday night. Fake gig? Come on.
Aside from the massive expense in refunding tickets – for a moment, think about the amount of capital invested in such an event. Now think about the stress incurred when such a notable headliner is cancelled last minute.
I guess the question remains…who is this mystery third party booking agent and promoter?
…and goodness, how much coffee would it take to get through such a debacle….