
Send The Love

By roobixops

Unbelievably it’s over halfway through January, which only supports my theory that every year feels faster than ever, because each year is a smaller relative piece of our lifetime, so therefore we are going to view each year as faster than the previous. Kind of like how when you were 8 years old, “an hour” felt like F O R E V E R, yet now, an hour seems to fly by after a quick Facebook stalk.
This kind of makes me depressed, because it’s a very real sign that I am getting older. And, if time is moving proportionately faster, then the next 25 years is going to feel much shorter than the last 25 years, and so by virtue of relativity, the second half of our life is going to feel much shorter than the first half, and therefore (assuming we live to 100) when we are 50, we aren’t *really* halfway through our lives, we are perceptively more like 60% of the way through, and that speeds up as you age even more.
So, with all that said, time is becoming more and more important to me than ever! I have a friend who is starting his PhD at age 34 this year, and when I asked him if it freaked him out to be still completing uni at age 37-38, he replied that he’d rather do that then be unhappy in another job. Besides, the cash moneyz he will sling in with a PhD more than makes up for that missed 3 years. But the convo got me thinking about how many people are so unhappy in their jobs and they just don’t even give any real consideration to re-training/upskilling/changing careers. I wish more people did! Another friend of mine recently completed her carpentry apprenticeship at age 34, and has won awards for Best Apprentice in WA, and now is involved heavily with promoting women in trades. She’s currently working on an all-female tiny house build and is just living her best life and doing all the things that make her glow.
So, whoever you are, and whatever age you are, whoever needs to hear this, here it is:
Even if you think you can’t afford it, it’s ALWAYS worth having a look into what is available in terms of financial support, and part-time study options. If you’re treading water at your job, or you just don’t feel good about your work anymore, make 2020 the year you consider what you want to do with your remaining years on this planet <3 Love, Akika xoxoxoxooxox